Tap water filters Imperial Plus Countertop

from 1799$

25. There are similar internal filters by other companies; can I use them and install them in your systems?

ATTENTION: There are “knockoff” filters which are dangerous. The internal filters must be changed only with the manufacturer’s filters according to the specifications of the device and with no other. An internal filter may appear similar in size and install correctly in the device. However, even the slightest difference in size could allow water to pass around the internal filter and not through it.

Moreover, not certified filters do not have the same quality as the internal filter proposed by the manufacturer, and the carbon may also be of different quality and of different technology in micron.   This leads to loss of reduction capacity of the contaminants or even introduces various dangerous contaminants into our water if the filter does not correspond to the lowest safety levels regarding materials. It might even consist of dangerous and in some cases toxic materials not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of America) rendering treated water even worse than incoming tap water.

Since the water filtering systems are tested for the safety of the materials and the effectiveness of the particular internal filters of the specific devices, it is necessary to use always the correct “internal” filter. By using the correct internal filter and with its change in the required time period the protection of the health of the whole family is fully ensured and therefore its purpose is fulfilled completely.

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